Tuesday, April 3, 2012

VIP´s in the cycling circus

Almost a year ago the Tour de France was struck by a new scandal. It was not about doping, bribery or spectators hurting the riders but a car hitting Johnny Hoogerland. The driver of the car was expelled of the Tour de France and Hoogerland was luckily able to step back on his bike. Sadly he fell into barbed wire which resulted in 33 stitches. Everybody who loved cycling was convinced this would never happen again.

De Ronde van Vlaanderen was two days ago and we almost saw the same incident (click here for the video and then choose the video:Volgauto's rijden bijna tegen de renners bij het passeren ). Some cars were overtaking the peloton to reach a small group in front of it. The third car did not see a sign on the side of the road and almost crashed in the peloton. It is ridiculous that this is the second time within a year that a car with VIP´s in it makes such a maneuver. Something needs to be done fast, otherwise people might even die!


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